There are certain diagnoses that can make us stop and evaluate our whole lives, and being told that we have cancer is one of the big ones. Fortunately, cancer research continues to develop treatments to improve quality of life and survival. Today, we’re going to look in-depth at one course of treatment for kidney cancer: immunotherapy. This article will outline what kidney cancer is,...
Caitlin Iles
Caitlin Iles is a Holistic & Culinary Nutritionist and Yoga Teacher who focuses on helping people heal their bodies through gentleness, self-compassion, the latest nutrition research, and evolution-based dietary concepts. Her mission is to help folks change their relationships with food to bring their hormones and body back into balance. Her one-on-one coaching sessions are customized to get to the root cause of bodily imbalances to help her clients achieving their health goals. Writing about food, nutrition, cooking, and all things wellness is her passion. She has written for publications such as The Hearty Soul, Mind Body Green, and ALOHA Way Magazine.